vol 11 - 1985

This issue of Feminist Studies features two clusters of essays, the first on women and work, the second on feminism, peace, and war. Our lead article, Molly Ladd-Taylor's "Women Workers and the Yale Strike," tells the story of the unionization of the mostly female clerical and technical workers at Yale University and analyzes the success of their first strike. Ladd-Taylor finds in the struggle at Yale, with its innovative organizational strategies and its special emphasis on women's issues, an encouraging model for organizing among clerical and service workers in other sectors of the American workplace as well. The next three essays by Cynthia Costello, Louise Lamphere, and Patricia Zavella focus on women's work culture and its complex implications for organization and resistance. Introduced and edited by Micaela di Leonardo, who chaired the conference session at the American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, December 1982, where they were originally presented, these essays cumulatively suggest the increasing importance for feminist scholarship of exploring the ethnic, familial, and social dimensions of women's work lives, and of reunifying in our analysis the severed categories of work and home.

The photographs by Carole Conde and Karl Beveridge, "Work in Progress," and the art by Ellen Lampert provide just such a fusion. Surprisingly similar in iconography-although utterly different in style and mood-these two sequences position women in the home, specifically in the kitchen, while beyond the windows scenes of historical significance (Conde and Beveridge) or social chaos (Lampert) play themselves out. Conde and Beveridge also document through changing images on the kitchen wall the changing nature of women's participation in the paid work force and the changing dimensions of familial structure.



Molly Ladd-Taylor
Women Workers and the Yale Strike

Micaela di Leonardo
Women's Work, Work Culture, and
Consciousness (an Introduction)

Cynthia B. Costello
'WEA're Worth It!" Work Culture and
Conflict at the Wisconsin Education
Association Insurance Trust

Louise Lamphere
Bringing the Family to Work:
Women's Culture on the Shop Floor

Patricia Zavella
"Abnormal Intimacy": The Varying Work
Networks of Chicana Cannery Workers

Josephine Withers
On the Inside Not Looking Out
(an Art Essay)

Margaret Homans
"Syllables of Velvef: Dickinson, Rossetti,
and the Rhetorics of Sexuality

Marjorie Agosin
Escuchame, Ana Frank/Listen, Anne Frank

Micaela di Leonardo
Morals, Mothers, Militarism: Antimilitarism
and Feminist Theory
(a Review Essay)

Mary C. Segers
The Catholic Bishops' Pastoral Letter on
War and Peace: A Feminist Perspective

Nira Yuval-Davis
Front and Rear: The Sexual Division of
Labor in the Israeli Army

Paula Petrik
The Gentle Tamers in Transition: Women in
the Trans-Mississippi West
(a Review Essay)

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