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Bernice L. Hausman
Sex Before Gender: Charlotte Perkins Gilman
and the Evolutionary Paradign of Utopia
Nicole Polier
True Transgressions: Refusal and Recolonization
in the Narrative of Papuan Migrant "Bighead"
Jennifer McLerran
Disciplined Subjects and Docile Bodies
in the Work of Contemporary Artist Jana Sterbak
Elizabet Meese
The Mom of My Dreams
Rachel Bagby
Vow (Poetry)
Judith Newton
White Guys (Review Essay)
Marlon B. Ross
In Search of Black Men's Masculinities (Review Essay)
Brain Luke
Violent Love: Hunting, Heterosexuality,
and the Erotics of Men's Predation
Lise Weil
What She Thinks about What She Thinks of Love (Fiction)
Laura Doan
Passing Fashions: Reading Female Masculinities in the 1920s